Wednesday, December 21, 2011



  • Earthquake magnitude 6.9 Argentina-January 1

  • Earthquake magnitude 5.2 - Southern XinJiang, China-January 1

  • Earthquake 7.1 magnitude Chile-January 2

  • More Than 1,000 Dead Birds Fall From Sky in Arkansas-January 2

  • Dead fish cover 20-mile section of Arkansas River-January 2

  • Uganda yellow fever outbreak kills more than 40-January 3

  • Earthquake Near Japan Triggers Tsunami Warning-January 3

  • Powerful earthquake hits south-east Iran-January 3

  • Earthquake 7.0 magnitude hits northern Argentina-January 3

  • Hundreds of dead blackbirds found in Louisiana-January 3

  • 10,000s of Birds found dead in Manitoba-January 3

  • Thousands of Birds fall from the sky in South America-January 3

  • Major Flood in Rockhampto,Australia-January 3

  • Dead Birds Found In Kentucky-January 4

  • 100 tons of dead fish wash up on Brazil's shores-January 4

  • Hundreds of dead birds found in East Texas-January 5

  • Dead birds in Sweden, millions of dead fish in Maryland, Brazil and New Zealand-January 5

  • Shift of Earth's magnetic north pole affects Tampa airport-January 5

  • 40,000 crabs found dead on England beaches-January 6

  • Heavy floods leave at least 35 dead in Brazil-January 6

  • Earthquake 4.5 magnitude in California-January 12

  • Huge Waves Destroy Homes in E. Indonesia-January 12

  • Thousands of marine animals found dead  in MATO GROSSO DO SUL/AMAZON Region-Febuary 4
  • Magnitude 6.3 earthquake- SOUTH ISLAND OF NEW ZEALAND-Febuary 21
  • Thousands of dead fish have washed up at Sebastian Inlet State Park Florida-Febuary

  • Millions of small fish including anchovies, sardines and mackerel were found dead at King Harbour area at Redondo Beach, California-March

  • Magnitude 8.9 earthquake and tsunami devastating Japan-March 11

  • 40ft section of California Highway falls into Pacific Ocean-March 16

  • Magnitude 3.5 earthquake - OFFSHORE NORTHERN CALIFORNIA-March 17

  • Magnitude 6.5 earthquake- Vanuatu- March 17

  • Magnitude 7.0 earthquake strikes northeastern Burma-March 23

  • Magnitude 6.8 earthquake hits Myanmar, Thailand-March 23

  • Magnitude 6.4 earthquake off the coast of Japan-March 25

  • Thousands of dead fish wash up in Florida-March 25

  • Hundreds of dead fish found in Midland,Texas-March 26

  • Hundreds of dead fish and frogs in Marquette Lagoon-April 1

  • Magnitude 5.4 earthquake in South Sandwich Islands Region-April 1

  • Magnitude 6.4 earthquake Fiji-April 3

  • Magnitude 6.7 earthquake in South of Java,Indonesia-April 3

  • Magnitude 6.5 earthquake hits Veracruz,Mexico-April 7

  • Dead birds fall into Kansas yard-April 8

  • Magnitude 7.4 earthquake hits shore of Japan-April 7

  • Dead fish found in Cedar Creek, Texas-April 10

  • Magnitude 6.5 and 6.2 earthquakes hit eastern Japan-April 11

  • Dead fish float up in 36 lakes in the state of Connecticut-April 

  • Deadly Tornadoes hit N. Carolina and Virginia, at least 47 dead-April 16

  • Thousands of dead fish are hauled away in Lakeside,NY-April 27
  • A massive thunderstorm front spawned 137 tornadoes, killed at least 180 people, and mangled sections of Tuscaloosa, Birmingham, and Huntsville, Alabama-April

  • Dead fish wash up in San Tan Heights pond-May

  • Deadly Tornado hits Albany, New Zealand, at least 1 death-May 3

  • Major Mississippi flooding, destroys many homes-May

  • Dead fish found in Valsad district of south Gujarat-May 3,4

  • 6.5 Magnitude Earthquake hits Papua New Guinea, Tsunami warning-May 15

  • Iceland's Grimsvotn Volcano erupts,followed by small earthquakes-May 21

  • Deadly Tornadoes hit Minneapolis and Missouri-May 22

  • Deadly Tornadoes hits Oklahoma City-May 24

  • Chedeng exits Philippines, leaves 3 dead-May 28

  • 800 tons of dead fish float ashore in Philippine fish farms-May 29

  • At least 10,000 metric tons of fish dead in Bolinao and Anda waters in Pangasinan-May 31

  • Deadly tornado hits Springfield, Massachusetts-June 1

  • Dead fish found in Ogeechee River-June 3

  • Dead fish wash up in Bulacan and Ilocos Sur-June 4

  • Volcano erupts in Chile for the first time in 50 years-June 6

  • Massive wildfires in Arizona,claimed more than 30 homes-June 8

  • 6.0, 5.5 and 4.4 Magnitude Earthquakes hit Christchurch,NZ-June 11,12

  • Hundreds of dead fish float up in Delco Lake,Creek-June 15

  • Buildings,trees and mountains miraculously appear in a China lake (no explanation)-June 17

  • 40 Tornadoes rip through Nebraska,Kansas-June 21

  • 7.2 Magnitude Earthquake hits Fox Islands,Aleutian Islands,Alaska-June 24

  • Massive dust storm hits Pheonix-July 5 

  • 7.8 Magnitude Earthquake hits New Zealand-July 7

  • 7.3 Magnitude Earthquake hits northeastern Japan-July 9

  • 6.2 Magnitude Earthquake hits Philippines-July 11

  • Hundreds of fish found dead in lake in Kuantan-August 9

  • A ton of dead fish found in River Segura-August 9

  • Large number of fish found dead in Central China River-August 12

  • 5.3 earthquake hits Colorado-August 22

  • 5.9 earthquake hits Virgina, jolts NY and Carolinas-August 23

  • Hurricane Irene hits SC,NC,VA-August 26,27

  • Deadly Typhoon hits Taiwan and China-August 29

  • 6.8 Magnitude Earthquake hits Alaska-September 2
  • 6.7 Magnitude Earthquake hits Argentina-September 2

  • 7.0 Magnitude Earthquake hits Vanuatu-September 3

  • 6.6 Magnitude Earthquake hits Northern Sumatra, Indonesia-September 5

  • 6.4 Magnitude Earthquake hits Vancouver-September 9

  • Floods in Pennsylvania-September 10

  • Texas Fire destroys 1,554 homes, 17 people missing-September 11

  • Magnitude 6.8 Earthquake hits Northeastern India-September 18

  • Tornado hits Siloam Springs, AR-September 18

  • Deadly Typhoon hits Philippines-September 27

  • Magnitude 5.0 Earthquake hits Aisen, Chile-October 7

  • Magnitude 4.0 Earthquake hits Death Valley-October 7

  • Magnitude 6.7 Earthquake hits Papua New Guinea-October 14

  • Magnitude 5.9 Earthquake hits Amurskaya Oblast, Russia-October 14

  • Magnitude 5.4 Earthquake hits Simeulue, Indonesia-October 16

  • Heavy rains kill at least 84 in Central America-October 18

  • Magnitude 5.3 Earthquake hits north of Tristan da Cuhna-October 19

  • Magnitude 5.3 Earthquake hits Palau Region-October 23

  • Magnitude 5.1, 5.6, 6.0, 4.9, 7.2 Earthquake's hit Eastern Turkey (what a hit they took!)-October 23

  • Magnitude 6.0 Earthquake hits Fiji Region-October 27

  • Massive Flood hits Bangkok-October 27

  • Magnitude 6.9 Earthquake hits Peru-October 28

  • Tornadoes spawned from severe storms touch down in Oklahoma (after a 3.8 magnitude earthquake the same week)-November 8

  • Africa's most active Volcano Erupts-November 9

  • Deadly Tycoon hits the Philippines-650+ killed-December 18

Thursday, December 15, 2011



I saw this and had to share. We are headed down a one way street without a U-Turn. The worst scenarios for 2012 are coming true.

NDAA Set To Become Law: The Terror Is Nearer Than Ever

American Democracy: 1776-2011.
It turns out that destroying the American democratic republic was easy to accomplish, historians will write someday. Simply get the three major cable news networks to blather on about useless bull**** for a few days, while legislators meet in secret behind closed doors to rush through the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012 (NDAA), and its evil twin sister, the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), which is a clever name for an Internet censorship bill straight out of an Orwellian nightmare.
Sure, some independent media web sites and Jon Stewart warned us about this. Ron Paul & Son warned us about this. Amnesty International and the ACLU have been screaming from the rooftops, crying bloody murder. But the American people let it happen, because the vast majority of us simply didn't find out in time.
And now President Obama's advisers are saying he is withdrawing his veto threat against NDAA, so it will become law.
As will SOPA, since it is becoming ever more apparent that our "elected officials" in Congress are not satisfied with their 9% approval rating. They want a 0% approval rating.
I have no idea why Congress is pushing through anti-American legislation that is not only incompetent, but openly belligerent.
I have no idea why an American media blackout on NDAA is still in effect -- Anderson Cooper, Chris Matthews, Bill O'Reilly and the other broadcast "journalists" have been disgustingly silent on what is undoubtedly the most important news story of the past decade. The single most important news story since September 11th, 2001.
Combined, NDAA and SOPA simply destroy American democracy. That isn't hype. That isn't exaggeration. Within a few days, your freedom of speech will be gone -- post something controversial online, and the government can legally "disappear" it.
Annoy the government too much, or criticize Congress' infinite wisdom and mercy, and you may find yourself in military prison for the remainder of your life, without access to a trial or attorney. Even if you're an American citizen on US soil.
This is a brave new world. Watch what you say. Be mindful of who you associate with. You may criticize your government within the privacy of your own home, amongst close family or friends, but do not post negative comments online. Do not assemble. Do not protest. Do not agitate. Do not give "comfort" to the "enemy."
This is a sad day for all of us. All of our military spending, all of our fortresses and moats, and it turns out democracy was attacked from within, the historians will write someday. We didn't even see it coming.

Monday, December 12, 2011


I am often asked, “Will 2012 happen?” Barring a hit by an asteroid or the arrival of Niburu, earth’s nemesis, December 21, 2012 will arrive. The world will not end. That’s the good news. So here is the rundown on the 2012 WAKING GOD PROPHECIES.

ECONOMY - No good news here. The EU debt crisis will create world-wide economic turmoil. The European Central Bank wants to be able to approve member nation budgets. Can you imagine, bankers having to approve a budget passed by Congress-Oh wait…. Even if this passes, (update: the EU has approved a version of this plan) the first time a member nation budget is not approved, all hell will break loose. Or, if this does not happen, investors are saying that nations that do not agree to this will not have their support. Chaos will ensure either way. As far as the American economy goes, it is already being negatively impacted by the EU debacle. Add the China economic constriction to the mix and the news is bleak. The out-of-control consumer spending is at an end. Watch for big drops in retail sales. Consumers will once again look to credit cards but we all know where that will end up. A Global economy brings Global economic problems. In a sense, we are experiencing the “Global Company Store.” But, as the top heavy economy crumbles, look for more localized, small is beautiful systems emerging. Continued depletion of resources will lead to scarcities. Continued environmental catastrophes will be a major factor in 2012. This is a positive event as the earth can no longer sustain the current level of rape and pillage. Advice? Keep basic necessities on hand. Have as many energy back-ups as possible-ways to cook, heat, light and eat. Rice and beans will get you through. Many more jobs will be lost, be prepared for the worst because the choices our leaders have made, or haven’t made, spells disaster!

CLIMATE – Totally no good news here either. Just look at all of the severe weather records that have been broken and the total inaction on the part of world leaders to ameliorate human impact on climate. Environmental disasters will continue to decimate insurance funds, destroy personal lives, and add to economic collapse. We are in the midst too many eco-system collapses and, much to the dismay of many, we are a part, not above nature. Climate tipping points have been reached and there is nothing we can do to avoid reaping what we have sown. However, forewarned is fore armed. Plan for the changes that are coming. Move away from any area that is prone to violent weather, quakes, water shortage, or sea rise. Get away from places that allow fracking, your water is poisonous and watch for damaging quakes in the west and mid-west. What we keep hearing is that scientist are constantly underestimating the effects of this or that factor; e.g. release of methane from Tundra, very fast glacial melts, sea current shift …. People think that climate change is always slow. This is not true and rapid changes have occurred in climate history. We are at one of those points now. Advice? I am not suggesting becoming a survivalist and hiding out in the mountains, although … I am suggesting that you have a Plan B where you can fend for yourself and family for at least 6 months. By those non-hybrid seeds this spring, assuming the climate will let you grow them. The wild card, solar flares! We have had several near misses. If we are hit head on, goodbye internet, power and ….

POLITICS – Can you say chaos? The left and right are sharply divided and nothing seems capable of bridging the gap. Not just in the U.S., you will see this division globally. People versus greed, those are the choices. I think we will see the brother against brother scenario and much social unrest. Don’t be surprised to see troops, illegally, deployed stateside. Fun times will not be had this summer, at the latest. Climate disasters and economic gridlock will create amazing tensions between haves and have nots. Cities will not be pleasant places to be. As for the Middle East, lots of danger lurks. It is quite possible that Israel will bomb Iran’s nuclear centers. The recent explosion at one of Iran’s missile sites could have been a test run. And, the downing and capture of an American drone by use of electronic jamming could put the U.S. in a supporting role. The Saudis would have no problem with this and with most of the Middle East in disarray, few are left to protest. Advice? Duck and cover! No, I don’t see a major nuclear exchange. But should this happen, relations with China would sink to an all time low. Remember, they hold trillions in U.S. debt and could make life even more economically miserable. Further, with public protests in Russia against Putin, he could use new tensions to demand more authority and become a true dictator, flouting the U.S./Israel as the scapegoats and lead the world to a new cold/semi-hot war. The other option is that Putin will be ousted but with Russians used to central authorities; it is possible another could rise from his ashes promising reform while instituting greater control, Stalin style. All in all, global politics will create further economic turmoil and the oceans will rise while politicians debate how to give banks more money. The whole in the dike is too big for a thumb. So keep an eye on events and plan accordingly.

So what’s the plan? SAVE YOURSELF! We create our reality and the reality that is coming this way is the fruit of our collective labors. However, we have all been advised to ‘be in, but not of’ this world. Meaning, yes, we live here, but don’t have to be caught up in the madness. This is the double edged sword. It is important to know what is going on, but even more important not to let events pull you into the whirlpool. A higher frequency is not affected by a lower one. The more you visualize your life as being filled with love and abundance, the greater your chances of avoiding the worst. This is the Time of Choosing discussed in the Waking God books. Not a religious choice, but a spiritual choice to consciously create a new reality for ‘your’ world. Sorry, as the character Mantrella says, “It’s not about saving humanity….” You can’t and all of the great master teachers tell you this. Actually, there really is no saving involved. Learn, experience, grow in wisdom and rise above the trials and tribulations and create a new earth. Evolve and let the dormant genes within you express themselves. We call these genes ‘god seeds.’ Again, not in any sense of worn out religious dogma, but rather, in the sense that we do and can create our reality and now is the time to do so consciously. Science is now telling us that the mystics are right. We live in an illusion of our own devices. So, is a way, by “Knowing thyself, you save yourself.”

Many prophets have pointed to this time as one of extreme danger or one of extreme evolution and enlightenment. The likes of Nostradamus, DaVinci, the Hopi, Mayans and others always painted two pictures; disaster or revelation. They told us that the bridge ahead has been washed out and that we need to detour. Many do not believe that the bridge is damaged and are unwilling to put on the breaks and veer to the less traveled road. Many cultures also talk about the ‘return of the gods.’ Is it not possible that the gods they refer to are us?

Friday, December 9, 2011


The Eu nations, with a few exceptions, God Save the Queen, have sacrificed sovereignty in order to achieve "Market Accountability." No more are we talking about accountability to people. Rather, the 'market' (Wall Street), is now the dictator of public policy. To give the 'market' veto authority over nation's budgets is the that this way comes. Why does no one see this and call it what it is? At least the Brits were not beguiled by the power of money-perhaps for the wrong reasons, but they had the courage to say NO.

Wherever you turn, governments are cowering to the 'market.' It is all about what is best for the investors, the people be damned. In Greece, according to the BBC, the plight of the people is so bad that they are killing their pets because they can't afford to keep them. For what, so some banker in NY can buy more bobbles and bangles? People's lives are being ruined, jobs lost, homes taken, pensions decimated, health care unfunded; all to ensure there is Market Accountability. 

Wednesday, December 7, 2011



A proposal to the General Assembly of Occupy Wall Street from Michael Moore

1. Occupy Our Homes. Sorry, banks, a roof over one's head is a human right, and you will no longer occupy our homes through foreclosure and eviction because well, you see, they are our homes, not yours. You may hold the mortgage; you don't hold the right to throw us or our neighbors out into the cold. With almost one in three home mortgages currently in foreclosure, nearing foreclosure or "underwater," the Occupy Movement must form local "Occupy Strike Forces" to create human shields when the banks come to throw people out of their homes. If the foreclosure has already happened, then we must help families move back into their foreclosed homes -- literally (see this clip from my last film to watch how a home re-occupation is accomplished). Beginning today, Take Back the Land, plus many other citizens' organizations nationwide, are kicking off Occupy Our Homes. Numerous actions throughout the day today have already resulted in many families physically taking back their homes. This will continue every day until the banks are forced to stop their fraudulent practices, until homeowners are allowed to change their mortgage so that it reflects the true value of their homes, and until those who can no longer afford a mortgage are allowed to stay in their homes and pay rent. I beseech the news media to cover these actions -- they are happening everywhere. Evictions, though rarely covered (you need a Kardashian in your home as you're being evicted to qualify for news coverage) are not a new story (see this scene I filmed in 1988). Also, please remember the words of Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur of Toledo (in 'Capitalism: A Love Story'): Do not leave your homes if the bank forecloses on you! Let them take you to court and then YOU ask the judge to make them produce a copy of your mortgage. They can't. It was chopped up a hundred different ways, bundled with a hundred other mortgages, and sold off to the Chinese. If they can't produce the mortgage, they can't evict you.

2. Occupy Your College. In nearly every other democracy on the planet, students go to college for free or almost free. Why do those countries do that? Because they know that for their society to advance, they must have an educated population. Without that, productivity, innovation and an informed electorate is stunted and everyone suffers as a result. Here's how we do it in the U.S.A.: make education one of our lowest priorities, graduate students who know little about the world or their own government or the economy, and then force them into crushing debt before they even have their first job. That way has really worked well for us, hasn't it? It's made us the world leader in … in … well, ok, we're like 27th or 34th in everything now (except war). This has to end. Students should spend this winter doing what they are already doing on dozens of campuses -- holding sit-ins, occupying the student loan office, nonviolently disrupting the university regents meetings, and pitching their tents on the administration's lawn. Young people -- we, the '60s generation, promised to create a better world for you. We got halfway there -- now you have to complete the job. Do not stop until these wars are ended, the Pentagon budget is cut in half, and the rich are forced to pay their taxes. And demand that that money go to your education. We'll be there with you on all of this! And when we get this fixed and you graduate, instead of being $40,000 in debt, go see the friggin' world, or tinker around in your garage a la the two Steves, or start a band. Enjoy life, discover, explore, experiment, find your way. Anything but the assistant manager at Taco Bell.

3. Occupy Your Job. Let's spend the winter organizing workplaces into unions. OR, if you already have a union, demand that your leaders get off their ass and get aggressive like our grandparents did. For chrissakes, surely you know we would not have a middle class if it weren't for the strikes of the 1930s-1950s?! In three weeks we will celebrate the 75th anniversary of the workers in my hometown of Flint, Michigan taking over and occupying the General Motors factories for 44 days in the dead of winter. Their actions ignited a labor movement that lifted tens of millions out of poverty and into the middle class. It's time to do it again. (According to the Census Bureau and the New York Times, 100 million Americans either live in or near poverty. Disgraceful. Greed has destroyed the core fabric of our communities. Enough!) Here are two good unions to get your fellow workers to sign up and join: UE and SEIU. The CWA are also good. Here's how to get a quick primer in organizing your place of employment (don't forget to be careful while you do this!). If your company is threatening to close down and move the jobs elsewhere, then it's time to occupy the workplace (again, you can get a lesson in how to successfully occupy your factory from my movie).

4. Occupy Your Bank. This is an easy one. Just leave them. Move your checking and your credit card to a nonprofit credit union. It's safe and the decisions made there aren't based on greed. And if a bank tries to evict your neighbor, Occupy the local branch with 20 other people and call the press. Post it on the internet.

5. Occupy the Insurance Man. It's time to not only stand up for the 50 million without health insurance but to also issue a single, simple demand: The elimination of for-profit, privately-controlled health insurance companies. It is nothing short of barbaric to allow businesses to make a profit off people when they get sick. We don't allow anyone to make a profit when we need the fire department or the police. Until recently we would never allow a company to make a profit by operating in a public school. The same should be true for when you need to see a doctor or stay in the hospital. So I say it's long overdue for us to go and Occupy Humana, United Health, Cigna and even the supposed "nonprofit" Blue Crosses. An action on their lawns, in their lobbies, or at the for-profit hospitals -- this is what is needed.

So -- there are my ideas for the five places we can Occupy this winter. Help the foreclosed-upon to Occupy their homes. Occupy your college campus, especially the student loan office and the regents meetings. Occupy your job by getting everyone to sign a union card -- or by refusing to let the CEO ship your job overseas. Occupy your Chase or Citi or Bank of America branch by closing your account and moving it to a credit union. And Occupy the insurance company offices, the pharmaceutical companies' headquarters and the for-profit hospitals until the White House and Congress pass the true single-payer universal health care bill they failed to pass in 2010.

My friends, the rich are running scared right now. You need no further proof of this than to read this story from last week. The Republicans' top strategist met privately with them and told them that they had better change their tune or they were going to be crushed by the Occupy Wall Street movement. They didn't have to change their greedy actions, he assured them -- just the way they talk and PR the situation. He told them never to use the word "capitalism" -- it has now been made a dirty word by the Occupy movement, he said. Only say "economic freedom" from now on, he cautioned. And don't criticize the movement -- because the majority of Americans either agree with it or are feeling the same way. Just tell the Occupiers and the distressed Americans: "I get it." Seriously.

Yes, in just 12 short weeks we have killed their most sacred word -- Capitalism -- and we have them on the run, on the defensive. They should be. Millions are coming after them and our only goal is to remove them from power and replace them with a fair system that is controlled by the 99%. The 1% have been able to get both political parties to do their bidding. Why should only 1% of the population get to have two parties -- and the rest of us have none? That, too, is going to change. In my next letter, I will suggest what we can do to Occupy the Electoral Process. But first we must start with those who pull the strings of the puppets in the Congress. That's why it's called Occupy Wall Street. Always better to deal with man in charge, don't you think?

Let's Occupy the Winter! An #OWS Winter will certainly lead to a very hopeful American Spring.


Michael Moore



DECEMBER 7, 1941

       I was six, going on seven, when early one latesummer
       evening, autumn's chill insinuating itself,
       Grandma and I walked along Newark's Belmont Avenue,
       a large empty lot to our left.

       There on the horizon was a red moon-- the size of
       a Jersey tomato six inches from your nose--as big and
       gory a moon as I'd ever seen, and have since.

       "That means war. Red moon means war," Grandma said,
       tightening the kerchief 'round her yellowing white hair.
       She quickened her step, scuttering along in her
       blue wool sweater on bandaged, vein-bumpy legs,
       looking every inch the Bessarabian peasant she was.

       That winter, we were eating supper at Aunt Lucille's
       when in burst Uncle Sam from work, his plump face a
       circle of concern. "The Japs attacked Pearl Harbor!"

       Lucille took Sam's food off the stove. 
       I kept scooping at my chocolate pudding.
       Grandma, who was dipping a puff of seeded roll
       into her weak coffee, made a windsucking sound
       with her gums, and darted a look at me
       over her eyeglasses.

                                                     -- Kal Wagenheim


Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Coming off record profits, no consequences for starting the world economic recession, and the expansion of the global economy, Wall Street is now openly ready to create their New World Order. Ahh, good old conspiracy theory, but sometimes the conspiracy is not a theory. Recent events regarding the debt crisis in the EU has made this effort at creating such an 'order' quite blatant.

We are all too familiar with the tales of economic woe in Greece, Ireland, Italy and even the U.S. "Investors" are demanding drastic cuts in budgets, at the expense of the people, and tax increases in order to appease financial interests. In Italy, the increase borrowing costs, which is creating even more of an economic problem, will also generate massive cuts. Spain and Portugal are on the brink as are many southern European nations.

Enter S&P and their magic 'downgrade' wand. This wand has been used to put the U.S. notice, basically ruined the Greek economy, what there was left of it, and is now aimed at the EU. For those who follow the Huffington Post, this headline should be familiar:

S&P To Warn Of Downgrades For All Of Eurozone

Here's the deal, the European Central Bank wants to be able to approve EU member budgets and austerity programs to ensure that 'investments' are safe.  If members do not agree, then their rating will be downgraded and their economies will go belly up. S&P has fired the warning shot across the bow. Basically, Wall Street is acting with impunity with no one willing to just say NO. Even the U.S. is unwilling to pass a small tax increase on the wealthy to cover extensions in breaks for the middle class and working poor.

With the stalling "Occupy" movements, there appears to be no left standing to prevent the Wall Street onslaught against economies, the environment, government oversight and the middle and lower classes. Even with the warning by billionaire George Soros that the global economic system is on the verge of collapse, Wall Street still knows that they will come out on top. Perhaps they see this as an opportunity to rid the world of the flotsam and jetsam they call the masses in order to make life easier for the elite. But, perhaps they underestimate those masses and the very environment they seem so willing to sacrifice in order to achieve their own nefarious ends.

Friday, December 2, 2011


Either the European Central Bank will gain financial sovereignty over the 17 nation union, or EU nations will suffer financial chaos. In order to 'win the trust of investors,' nations are being asked, threatened actually, to turn over their budget approvals to a central financial authority that can tel each country what and how they can spend their money. So basically, the banks, Wall Street, investors will dictate public policy for the 17 nations. The claim is that failure to do so will result in financial ruin with 'investors' unwilling to euro-nation bonds.

Can this be any more blatant? From what has been said, EU members will have to slash budgets, meaning loss of public jobs, pensions, heath, education ... in order to appease bankers. Is this the New World Order? The new world oligarchy? Why, any reasoning person should ask, do we continue to allow "INVESTORS" dictate public policy?

What is truly uncertain is whether or not events like the "Occupy" movement will have any impact on such moves by the rich and powerful. Has the growth in Wall Street power, as witnessed by their blatant disregard for anything-people, nation, climate, environment-become so strong that nothing can stand in their way as they seize control of every aspect of life? This are coming to a head in almost every human endeavor. 2012 is shaping up to be an interesting year.

Thursday, December 1, 2011


There has been a lot of misplaced euphoria around jumps in the stock market and big Black Friday sales. The EU is in deep economic trouble. People need to keep something in mind. Where does all of the bail out money come from? It comes from the 99%. In order for EU nations to reduce their debt, they will be forced to cut government spending-things like pensions, health care, education...Jobs will be lost. Then, The EU nations will have to raise money, taxes, to pay off debts. Will they tax the wealthy? Well, if the U.S. is any measure, the answer is no.  Millions will suffer so that 'investors' will get their money-YOUR MONEY. Do you really think this is sustainable?

Then, we have 'economists' touting the huge outlays for holiday spending. But, we also have reports that tell us, yes, some gizmos and gadgets were bought, but, most people bought necessities at bargain prices. This is not a sign of recovery. Further, more consumer debt is racked up to pay for these expenses. This is debt the 99% cannot afford.

The underpinnings of the global economic system are collapsing, being washed away like sand by an economic philosophy of greed. But, keep piling blocks high enough and eventually it gets top heavy and collapses. If you are looking for signs of trouble as we head into 2012, the economy is one sure sign that spells trouble-big time!