A place to read about issues confronting a world that is spinning out of control and a place that offers solutions.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
So much is happening in the field of science with respect to the notions reality and creating one's reality. We now know that all of our science is based upon our knowledge of only 4% of the physical universe, the rest being dark matter. Sages of ancient times KNEW of the connectedness of everything. They KNEW that all was energy. They KNEW that thought creates our reality and they KNEW that thought changes reality. Science is catching up with what was KNOWN thousands of years. DOES ALL OF THIS REALLY MATTER? In these days of turmoil it would benefit all to gain a greater understanding of the TRUE NATURE of things in order that we may shape the while to our desires and not having it shaped by others. READ THE SAGE AGE!
The Mysterious Allure of Fields and Forces
The actions of invisible fields and forces on objects in the material realm have fascinated humans for eons. The idea of a force came into existence long before the idea of a guiding field was recognized. In fact, fields of all sorts are just now coming under the microscope of collaborative scientific and intuitive investigation.
Since both fields and forces are invisible and can only be measured by how they affect material objects, the experimental findings are theoretical. Even when proper mathematical foundations have been provided and applied science moves forward in creating new ways to use these discoveries, it’s important to remember that the ideas behind them are subject to be overturned in the future. Many of the most important scientific advances on these subjects have been a mixed bag of amateur experimenters who had little formal training and, for the most part, simply followed their hunches or by physicists who made mathematical advances but failed to see the significance of the ideas.
A case in point is the discovery of global wireless communication. In the early 1830s, Michael Faraday found the connection between the combination of electric and magnetic forces, which were mathematically substantiated by James Clerk Maxwell and became the underpinnings of all experiments with radio waves. By the mid 1880s, Heinrich Hertz significantly advanced the research and by the early 1890s, Nikola Tesla suggested that global wireless communication was possible. Shortly thereafter, Guglielmo Marconi took up this research and by 1901 proved that long-distance wireless communication was indeed possible.
Faraday was an amateur experimentalist who was completely fascinated by electricity and its connection with magnetism. He did not, however, have the formal training necessary to validate his theories about these phenomena. Maxwell, an elite mathematician, provided that proof. Hertz, another elite physicist, significantly advanced the mathematical understandings of wave theory, and developed devices to produce both UHF and VHF waves but considered the technology of limited use. Tesla was a visionary experimentalist and had the formal scientific training to provide the necessary mathematical foundations to his theories but his ideas were so far ahead of the academic communities of his time that he was mostly misunderstood and sometimes feared. Marconi had been passionately absorbed by the discovery of radio waves since he was eight years old. With no formal training, but with substantial financial backing and a bit of secrecy to keep him from being considered a madman, he proved what few others even believed possible. He built devices that could transmit and receive radio signals beyond the curvature of the Earth, effectively establishing global wireless communication. All previous attempts were limited to short range line-of-sight transmissions.
But, here is the most important point. Even though Marconi had proved that it could be done, no one knew how it was possible. The theoretical foundation of these experiments was not established until several years later. These investigations also revealed what became known as the Schumann Resonance. This is an electromagnetic wave that constantly circumnavigates the globe at a dominant frequency of 7.8 Hz and has recently been correlated to many forms of psi phenomena including energy healing.
The discovery of invisible radio waves which could be made to carry information led some prominent physicist to suggest that they might be used to facilitate contact with those who have crossed over or to communicate with other disincarnate entities. This type of research is still ongoing today but has become mired in controversy and has fallen into the category of pseudo-science.
Experiments with radio waves led to the discovery of higher frequency electromagnetic waves that constitute the light spectrum, only a small fraction of which fall into the visible range. EM wave radiation then became the darling of science and the basis of quantum physics.
It also became a source of investigation by intuitive practitioners who dealt with subtle body energies because the “feel” of these bodies mimicked the scientific descriptions of EM wave properties. These descriptions also verified that various “bands” or ranges of EM frequencies were useful to different types of communication and that higher frequencies also carried more energy. Many intuitives found these descriptions appealing because they suggested that the energetic templates which constitute the material realm were of a higher frequency. Until recently, measurement of these energies has been out of the reach of rigorous scientific investigation. What science can’t measure, science can’t study. But, as technology progresses, more and more subtle readings have been taken and new investigations are being brought to bear on the mysterious and invisible energies that surround and permeate the entire material universe.
The next article will cover what constitutes a field and the various types that have gained popular attention such as the Zero Point Field, Morphogenic Fields and the Implicate Order of subtle energies as espoused by David Bohm.
Some content excerpted from The Sage Age – Blending Science with Intuitive Wisdom
© 2008 MaAnna Stephenson
Content may be used freely with proper credit and a link to www.SageAge.net
To learn more about MaAnna Stephenson and The Sage Age, visit www.sageage.net and you can subscribe to The Sage Age Newsletter while you are there.
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Tuesday, October 14, 2008
For many, these are tough times. But for those who understand the process of creating a new reality, these are wonderful times; full of promise and hope. In the newly released DVD, QUEST FOR SUCCESS discover the key principles to keeping your head, heart and soul above the turbulent waters.
Quest for Success – PBS DVD By Lili Fournier
Today’s most influential thinkers, visionaries, authors and heroes share their wisdom and key principles to success, and personal and societal change. These people include: Sir Richard Branson, Russell Simmons, Stephen Covey, Jack Canfield, John Assaraf, Harv Eker, Marci Shimoff, Byron Katie, Wayne Muller, Archbishop Desmond Tutu and His Holiness the Dahli Lama.
This Quest For Success explores what it takes to live a life of true happiness, personal fulfillment and authentic success. This is an extraordinary journey on that most profound of human longings, our search for happiness and fulfillment, and the wisdom we will need to find it.
Each of us has a heroic path to walk. This is a call to greatness that begins with you. And igniting that spirit, that passion for the possible, is where the journey begins.
“This critically acclaimed PBS series features the essential teachings from the great leaders of our time. This remarkable series is a treasure chest of wisdom with the power to transform your life. My praise could not be more sincere” – Jack Canfield, “Chicken Soup for the Soul”
Jack Canfield is the originator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series, which fostered the emergence of inspirational anthologies as a genre, rapidly growing to a billion dollar market. As the driving force behind the development and delivery of over 100 million books sold, Jack Canfield is uniquely qualified to talk about success. Behind the empire Time magazine called the "publishing phenomenon of the decade" he is the leading expert in creating peak performance for entrepreneurs and leaders. A sample of one of the interviews follows:
Jack Canfield About The Laws of Attraction
LILI: You know, in choosing the laws of attraction you say that we attract more of the feelings we're experiencing whether it’s anger to some sort of negativity or unforgiving. I think of all people you know what it means to be hurt in so many different ways and that's why you're so sensitive to pain around you. What it means to be able to forgive and to let go because I think that's absolutely fundamental because otherwise I think you get stuck in the past and we stay in our story and as long as we stay stuck in our story nothing new will come into our lives. Can we talk about what happened to you and how you were able to forgive and let go.
JACK: Well, I grew up in an extremely abusive family; both verbally and physically. My first father used to beat me. My mother divorced him when I was 6. My mother was an alcoholic. Partly because of that, partly because of genetics, so I grew up in a family where I had low self-esteem. I had a lot of resentment towards my parents and towards society. I was being raised in West Virginia, and it took me years to really understand the importance of forgiveness and letting go because the way I demonstrated it was if I'm holding on to something, my resentment, I'm thinking ‘You should've been different,’ whatever, I'm holding on.
My hands are not available to receive the new. So a lot of people think that forgiving means condoning what happened, you know, I don't condone what my parents did. I would not wish it on anybody, but I also now know that in order to move on I have to let go, get out of the past and into the future. I also now know that I chose my parents. I chose that because probably I needed to develop compassion, needed it to do the work I do. When I use the word ‘forgive’, I say we're giving for our own self so that our hands become available. I was on the Oprah Winfrey Show and there was a woman there that was really angry at her ex-husband. She had put him through school and she worked two jobs to do it and as soon as he graduated he left, including all the bills she had created for him to go through school.
And here she was, she was still resenting him. So if a new man came into her life, which she wanted, what would he see? He wouldn't see a woman that is available. He'd see a woman holding onto another man; psychologically, energetically. So she has to forgive him and let him go so that she's now available to receive something new into her life. When she finally got that her entire physiology changed. You see this in workshops with people.
Our job is to constantly be forgiving everything. Realize that everything in the universe is just fine the way it is and if we're holding on to it then we're missing that next thing that's coming our way. I teach a releasing process I learned from a friend of mine that's called the Sedona Method. Where you're constantly just saying ‘Can I please accept this into my life and just let it be? Can I now release it? Could I let it go? Would I let it go? When?’ If you say now - every time I do that my shoulders relax. They drop and then I let the new thing come in. Everything we resist we're stuck with because we're pushing on each other. We're stuck.
In my seminars I'll have someone come up and I'll say stand in front of me and I'll try to push them over and they instantly push back over. It's kind of tug of war kind of pushing and I'll say this is what we call marriage this is what we call parenting, and the more I push on you to be different, the more you resist. If I stop resisting, you stop pushing and if I stop pushing they stop resisting. If I stop resisting life, life just flows through me and that's when life gets to be a lot of fun, it gets to be a constant joy. You're just being with it in the moment. That's where knowing this is the part where trust comes in.
Trusting that the universe has my best interests in mind, it's out to benefit me and it's going to take me where I need to go. Now if you still have intention but you don't have attachment. I teach high intention, low attachment. That's how I integrated East and West because for a while, I was very confused. Buddhists say don't be attached to anything and I would say I still want that car; I still want my book to be a best seller.
Others interviewed on the DVD include:
For additional information visit http://www.questforwealth.org/
To learn about all of Lili Fournier's products, visit http://www.questthejourney.com/products/products.html
The complete list of tour stops is available at: http://virtualblogtour.blogspot.com/2008/09/quest-for-success-dvd-d...
Friday, October 10, 2008
The trickle down theory does not and has not worked. It is time to give the money to the people and not big corporations and the “used to be” giants of Wall Street. We have seen all kinds of moves on the part of Wall Street backed government officials to bailout toxic debt and the flailing stock market. If you do not have a degree in advanced economics, most of what these officials are doing and saying sound like gibberish. In fact, it is gibberish!
World-wide bailouts are not working. They were destined to failure from their inception. The Bush refrain that we must “give it time to work” is a ploy to keep the public from discovering the real truth. The economy is broke, something is very wrong. Laissez-faire economic theory from the 18th Century is not going to work. The early assumption of capitalism was that if left unfettered and not regulated, business could grow and prosper and all would benefit. To an extent, that was correct. There is no doubt that the early greatness of early Western capitalism made many millionaires and it did help create a middle class. Of course, this was done on the shoulders of third world nations as their resources were plundered and the working class that suffered innumerable abuses. Fortunately, these abuses and monopolies were exposed and the plethora of worker protection, child labor, occupational safety and ant-trust laws presumably corrected such abuses.
Then came the emergence of Reagan economics and the move to de-regulation let loose the ugly Wall Street beast. Under the guise of free trade, globalization became the mantra of corporate giants and conservative economic gurus. Business boomed, jobs moved overseas, third world workers worked for pennies a day and all was well in the profit column. The issue is basic, capitalism is based upon the notion that consumers will endlessly consume and keep the wheels of business rolling. If they do not consume, ad campaigns are created to “convince” consumers that they “need” the new gadgets, gizmos and widgets if they are to keep their jobs and to claim the right to be called American. And, if all else fails, which it did, you entice, induce, cajole and scam the consumer to go deeper into debt to keep companies in the black.
All of this implies a contract between business and consumer. The contract says that business will produce quality goods at a fair price and allow credit at reasonable rates. The consumer agrees to be paid a fair wage for its work, borrow to keep the money flowing, pay its bills and consume happily ever after. This “contract has now been broken” by the huge corporations and the finance industry. The products are inferior. Workers are not paid a fair wage. Loans are made at ridiculous rates. Consumers have been hoodwinked by massive and aggressive “buy this product’ campaigns that leaves one’s head spinning. Business has lost the trust and faith of the consumer.
Government has also broken its contract with its people. It has allowed industry to prey upon unsuspecting, naïve and gullible consumers. It has allowed industry to steal from the poor and middle class in order to increase its wealth beyond all imagination. It has left business unchecked and unregulated and given it free reign to do as it wills to accumulate riches that have only benefited the few at the expense of all. This system has now collapsed and all but the business and government understand this. Government has ‘given’ billions to the tycoons of industry because they are not making enough money. And, they cannot understand why the system is still failing. Our good money is being thrown into a corporate black hole from whence it will never emerge.
Based upon the TED spread, look it up on Google, this index that should be around 0.5 is now approaching 5.0. The TED Spread is the difference between what banks pay to borrow from each other for 3 months and what the Treasury pays. This is where credit is locked into a virtual traffic jam. What is the solution? Stop wasting our money bailing out banks and business and put the money in the hands of the consumer. With that money we will pay our bills, pay our mortgages, save, invest and consume. That is how you get the money going again and build confidence. In the meantime, regulate those that broke their trust, reduce mortgage and credit card interest rates and produce 21st Century products that will save and not enslave our planet, us and our children!
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Just when you thought it was safe to read the economic news you discovered that these troubled waters are still under threat by ravaging sharks. As President Bush signs what many economists say is a waste of money, an anathema to economic theory; the news from the Street is not encouraging. In case you were busy this weekend, here are some of the headlines and quotes you may have missed:
“…investors believe the package will only be a baby step in the long road to economic recovery.”
"At best, we can hope that it stems some of the more intense risk from the credit crisis.”
“Brace yourself. The credit squeeze that almost every financial expert has warned about is here.”
Economy sheds most jobs since 2003, more cuts seen
Payrolls drop by most in 5 years; more pain ahead
THE LATEST: Employers slashed 159,000 jobs in September, the most in more than five years and the ninth month in a row of nationwide job losses.
Factory orders drop by 4 percent in August
…the credit strains began to hit manufacturing with full force.
Jobless claims pushed to 7-year high
Durable goods orders drop 4.5 percent in August
Stocks end lower amid worries after House OKs plan
Sting in the tail on US bailout day
NEW YORK (AFP) - US stock markets fell sharply Friday after the Congress passed a huge financial rescue plan
SEC short-selling ban to expire Wednesday night
Congress passes bailout, focus shifts to fallout
Stocks drop on economic concerns despite bailout
…the $700 billion financial rescue package may not unblock credit markets and stave off a U.S. recession.
Even with Congress' unprecedented $700 billion financial bailout, the faltering economy and the jobs market probably will get worse
The signing of the Bailout Bill is the equivalent of Economic Appeasement that will ultimately be compared to that of Chamberlain and the Nazis at Munich. Driven by fear, innuendo and out right lies, the majority of American politicians appeased the Wall Street threats of economic collapse. Like Hitler who kept saying, “One more, that is all and then I will stop,” Congress and the President have allowed Wall Street more “Lebensraum,” living space. Making a fear based and not a reasoned based decision, politicians have allowed the money forces to launch their final assault on the consumer in their efforts to control the entire monetary system.
What is being said now? The above quotes and headlines tell it like it is. The economists say that the bailout will have little effect on the credit crunch. There will still be foreclosures. Jobs will still be lost. Hiring will come to a standstill. Things will get worse. Reports also now indicate that until housing prices start rising, the bailout will not end the credit crunch. Banks do not want to make loans for cheaper houses. Pardon my ignorance but if homes are cheaper, are they not more affordable for more people? The ‘greenbacks’ are still dripping with ink and the refrain is that the bailout is not enough. How could so many politicians ignore the proper decision making process? Why did they not have hearings? Why did they not consult a broader base of experts? We are not talking thousands of dollars, but hundreds of billions of dollars. Is that not cause enough to pause, take stock and properly evaluate the alternatives?
Finally, for the moment, we have this wonderful news story: “An American member of al-Qaida pointed to economic troubles in the United States as proof that "the enemies of Islam" face defeat…” Not too long ago I wrote an article asking if the American economy was under terrorist attack. My assumption was that foreign elements were manipulating markets to cause havoc for the West. What I should have guessed is that the terrorists are not abroad, they are within our very borders and their name is Wall Street.
Friday, October 3, 2008
"Six Pack" Palin and THE DEBATE
Palin had a pretty good performance in her debate with Biden. But the operative word is "performance." When pressed, she answered very few questions with any sense of depth. It was obvious that she memorized answers to preconceived questions and that was going to be the answer, even it was not really the question. So if the term "Iraq" came up, this is what you should say, even if the response did not address the actual question. If the question is about the economy, this is what you say, regardless of the actual content of the question. She did this well, but it was obvious she lacked any depth of knowledge.
Palin's comment about having a "Joe Six Pack" in the White House bothers me. Aside from being a good role model for our youth, I do not really like the implication. Does she plan on solving problems over a beer? While many issues may have been solved this way regarding personal issues, I do not think it will work with foreign diplomats. It was also clear that she memorized a few names of foreign leaders because she said them so many times. I really hoped that questions would have been asked about Chavez, Brown, Rudd, Hue Jintao,or Velez and I am sure she would have said, "Huh?" While Palin was folksy she did not exude a sense of confidence. Her answer about how she would govern should McCain die was not at all encouraging. He put down about Biden's age, 65 was kind of interesting as Mccain is seven years older than Biden.
Biden obviously has depth of knowledge. Yes, he has been around a while and he should know what is going on and who the players are in the international scene. There were times when he sounded like a president. If something were to happen to Obama, I think Biden was convincing that he would know what to do. Palin would be a loose cannon if McCain's health failed.
Bottom line, while Palin would be fun to have over to your house for dinner, I do not believe that dinner should be served at the White House.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Shame on the U.S.Senate and our presidential candidates for voting for the Wall Street bail out bill. Shame on them for adding $150 Billion to the $700 Billion for "pork barrel" projects. Those being foreclosed will be giving money to the very banks that caused the foreclosures. The bill that was passed is the same one rejected by the House; the difference being "sweeteners" aimed at buying off congressman.
While a registered Republican who voted for Bush, I will still vote for Obama since McCain and his "Joe six pack" (more on that later) running mate are not a viable option, I am deeply bothered that Obama did not have the 'profile in courage' to stand up to the monied interests of Wall Street. There is basically nothing in this bill that will end the current credit crunch that is choking both small and large companies. Even AT&T cannot get more than an overnight loan. The nation 's leading economists, while somewhat divided, oppose the Bail Bill. The former head of the FDIC opposes the bill. The minority head of the Senate Banking Committee opposes this bill. None of these people were asked to help formulate its provisions.
How can the Senate approve such an expensive piece of legislation without even a hearing and without consultation of experts that are not on the President's payroll? Does the fall of Rome come to mind? At one tine the Roman Senate was the keeper of the Republic. It decayed into corruption, in-fighting and special interests and as a result Rome under the thumb of ruthless and incompetent emperor's. Rome fell from within. The barbarians were only icing on the already rotten cake.
And now, the U.S. Senate, once one of the most admired institutions in the world, has fallen to the will of special interests and a president gone rabid. Did I mention Rome? While tax breaks for wooden arrows, mental health insurance, tax breaks for alternative energy and other issues may have merit, do they belong in a bill that the Bush said if it did not pass our economy would become toxic? The 'candy factory,' the American taxpayer, is running out of sweetener. We are running out of money. Many experts have offered many alternatives to this corporate giveaway. To say there is no time to talk and explore alternatives is just a ruse. Politicians know that if there is any serious discussion, the sham being fostered on Americans would be exposed for what it is; a plan that will truly lead us to economic ruin. Did I mention Rome? Surely, there are stop gap measures that could be taken to shore up the economy while a serious discussion occurs. Even now, the FDIC, working with the President and Treasury, have the power to insure "all" of the assets and deposits held by banks. Certainly short term and lower cost alternatives exist that would allow intelligent discussion. The 'toxic' debt is not going anywhere, they will still be around in a few months while proper debate is taking place. Certainly, there are less costly actions that can be taken to give American citizens confidence that their money is safe.
The burden now falls to the House. Will they have the courage and fortitude to put the skids on this bill that leads to nowhere? Will intelligence and reason win out ou will the Age of Reason officially come to an end? Did I mention Rome?
(This letter was sent to Congress on Wed Sept 24 2008 regarding the Treasury plan as outlined on that date. It does not reflect all signatories views on subesquent plans or modifications of the bill)
To the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President pro tempore of the Senate:
As economists, we want to express to Congress our great concern for the plan proposed by Treasury Secretary Paulson to deal with the financial crisis. We are well aware of the difficulty of the current financial situation and we agree with the need for bold action to ensure that the financial system continues to function. We see three fatal pitfalls in the currently proposed plan:
1) Its fairness. The plan is a subsidy to investors at taxpayers’ expense. Investors who took risks to earn profits must also bear the losses. Not every business failure carries systemic risk. The government can ensure a well-functioning financial industry, able to make new loans to creditworthy borrowers, without bailing out particular investors and institutions whose choices proved unwise.
2) Its ambiguity. Neither the mission of the new agency nor its oversight are clear. If taxpayers are to buy illiquid and opaque assets from troubled sellers, the terms, occasions, and methods of such purchases must be crystal clear ahead of time and carefully monitored afterwards.
3) Its long-term effects. If the plan is enacted, its effects will be with us for a generation. For all their recent troubles, America's dynamic and innovative private capital markets have brought the nation unparalleled prosperity. Fundamentally weakening those markets in order to calm short-run disruptions is desperately short-sighted.
For these reasons we ask Congress not to rush, to hold appropriate hearings, and to carefully consider the right course of action, and to wisely determine the future of the financial industry and the U.S. economy for years to come.
Signed (updated at 9/27/2008 6:00PM CT)
Here is a list of the 50 largest banks and savings institutions in the United States ranked by total deposits in thousands of dollars.
Institution Name
Headquartered No.
Offices Total
June 30, 2007
Bank of America North Carolina 5,728 596,584,899
JPMorgan Chase Bank Ohio 3,108 439,996,000
Wachovia Bank North Carolina 3,103 314,850,000
Wells Fargo Bank South Dakota 3,255 263,664,999
Citibank Nevada 1,036 210,289,000
Washington Mutual Bank Washington 2,180 202,706,306
SunTrust Bank Georgia 1,747 114,579,848
U.S. Bank Ohio 2,590 113,097,080
Regions Bank Alabama 2,087 88,388,815
Branch Banking and Trust Company North Carolina 1,484 83,720,251
National City Bank Ohio 1,451 82,374,824
HSBC Bank USA Delaware 455 75,342,071
World Savings Bank, FSB California 287 73,247,967
Countrywide Bank Virginia 2 60,616,621
PNC Bank Pennsylvania 836 59,188,198
Keybank Ohio 965 57,286,597
ING Bank, fsb Delaware 1 54,161,553
Merrill Lynch Bank USA Utah 3 51,601,084
Sovereign Bank Pennsylvania 745 49,134,698
Comerica Bank Michigan 395 41,797,801
Union Bank of California California 331 40,650,535
Commerce Bank Pennsylvania 398 40,126,588
North Fork Bank New York 356 38,059,484
Fifth Third Bank Michigan 775 37,990,237
LaSalle Bank National Association Illinois 138 34,653,022
E*TRADE Bank Virginia 2 33,197,825
Bank of the West California
Citibank (South Dakota) N.A. South Dakota 4 32,892,908
Manufacturers and Traders Trust Company New York 673 32,811,138
Harris National Association Illinois 226 30,725,670
The Bank of New York New York 9 29,601,000
Chase Bank USA, Delaware 3 29,565,966
Marshall and Ilsley Bank Wisconsin 321 28,899,307
TD BankNorth Maine 626 28,092,910
Fifth Third Bank Ohio 415 27,054,097
USAA Federal Savings Bank Texas 1 25,267,329
Citizens Bank of Pennsylvania Pennsylvania 415 24,485,743
The Huntington National Bank Ohio 424 24,121,042
Citizens Bank of Massachusetts Massachusetts 262 23,713,359
LaSalle Bank Midwest Michigan 268 23,435,977
Compass Bank Alabama 420 23,405,240
First Tennessee Bank Tennessee 259 21,763,800
Charter One Bank Ohio 490 21,270,835
Capital One Louisiana 354 20,567,194
Discover Bank Delaware 2 20,343,620
UBSBank Utah 1 20,222,245
Morgan Stanley Bank Utah 1 19,535,000
Colonial Bank, National Association Alabama 321 16,663,063
Banco Popular de Puerto Rico Puerto Rico 202 15,269,000
TD Bank USA, National Association New York 1 15,246,862
See Top 50 Bank Holding Companies -- Source: FDIC
IF THE TABLE DOES NOT COME OUT RIGHT GO TO: http://nyjobsource.com/banks.html
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