Avatar Award
The Åvatar Award (ÅÅ) is an award given to spiritual resources of exceptional quality and clarity. It is given to those writers, authors, musicians, etc. who have
displayed excellence, clarity, and a non-compromising stance when assisting in humanity's spiritual evolution and awakening. The award is presented by
Avatar publications, and in association with "ALL THINGS THAT MATTER," a blog devoted to exploring issues that confront today's society. The selection committee is comprised of experts in the field of spiritual evolution including authors, publisher's, and academic professionals.
Awards are given in several major categories including music, blocks, articles (general public, academic), and books. Blog awards are given annually and represent continued excellence in posts that repeatedly offer insights, help, and inspiration to readers. Book awards are given annually to those authors who have provided readers with new insights, guidance, and inspiration with respect to personal transformation and global spiritual awakening. Articles (general public) are awarded quarterly to those works that represent breakthroughs in thought, provide superlative inspiration, offer easy to use guidance, and which are written with a high level of clarity and excellence. Articles (academic) are awarded to those articles that are groundbreaking in thought and scope, open new doors of academic pursuit, and which maintain a high degree of academic excellence.
Award recipients can display the award logo on their site, book, or article.
Articles will be posted and archived on the Avatar Award home page. Recipients will be given the opportunity to be a guest and present their thoughts on internet radio.
The following criteria are used in the judgment and awarding of the ÅÅ.
Clarity of communication
Accuracy of information
Faithful and non-compromised representation of the high truths of creation
Overall excellence in communication and spiritual standard.
Submission Requirements
Blogs should be sent to awards@avatarpublication.com.This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it Subject heading should read: AWARD CONSIDERATION: BLOG. Completed articles should be sent as an email word document attachment to awards@avatarpublication.com.This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it Subjecting heading should read AWARD CONSIDERATION: ARTICLE GENERAL or AWARD CONSIDERATION: ARTICLE ACADEMIC. Articles should be between 1,600 and 20,000 words.
It is not necessary that books be published prior to consideration. One award consideration may include the actual publication of a book through avatar publication, although this is not a gauranteed prize. Book PDFs should be sent as an attachment to awards@avatarpublication.com.This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it If the book is already published, hard copies may be requested.
Current Recipients