Monday, December 16, 2019

Why Trump "can" win

 Image result for trump wins

For those of you who still watch real news, you'll notice that in many countries and places--Hong Kong, India, Iraq, Chile, Bolivia, etc.--you hear of citizens in the streets by the thousands protesting threats against civil rights.  Is there any news about Americans in the streets. No, nada, zip.

Americans no longer care. It's all about the show, not the substance. Is that a gross generalization? I hope so. But one thing is certain, those who you know will vote for Trump, will vote. Those who oppose him, may not.
--Trump supporters could care less about impeachment, especially since there's no chance the Senate will convict. They believe in the "witch hunt" scenario.
--They don't care about the Saudis. They have oil, good enough. And, since they don't really watch the news, one more dead journalist is no concern.
--They don't care or even believe in climate change science. To them, it's all about the weather today and not what evil climate changes cometh. In all likelihood, they don't understand the terminology so ignore it. For that matter, probably most science is beyond their understanding.
--Their total take on economics is "if I get a paycheck and can buy a beer and can go shoot something, life is good." Tarifs have no meaning and if Trump says China is paying them it must be true.
--Health care? Damned socialists.
--Education? "We don't need no education ...." And besides, education creates liberals.
--Pollution? Water doesn't taste any different. Skies still blue, sometimes, and who cares about bugs and birds?
--Immigrants? You've got to be kidding. They take our jobs and don't speak good english.

You see, it's about the antics, the show, the Archy Bunker factor. The guy swears and makes fun of people. He's just like us.

These people WILL vote.

If the Democrats do not vote Blue No Matter Who, Trump wins. If they don't vote Blue because the nominee doesn't promote all the things they want. Trump wins. If they don't have the most massive, biggest, best of all time voter turn out, TRUMP WINS.

Keep in mind, Trump, et al want a disruptive election. They want to claim voter tampering by "whoever" if the election is close so they can nullify it.

Trump can win. Polls will be purposely misleading (remember the Boris Johnson election). News will be skewed. Fake news and websites will be everywhere. Lies and deceit will be rampant. Intimidation and voter purges abundant. 

There are few protests in the US. Is this apathy? If so, we're in trouble.

There can be no rest until the "forces of tyranny" are clearly and overwhelmingly defeated. Otherwise, Trump WILL win.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Woe to you, GOP

 What might he say if He were here now?

Yes, some liberties have been taken. 

Image result for trump and senate supporters

-But woe unto you, hypocrites! for ye shut up the doors to a better life for the working person.

-Woe unto you,  hypocrites! for ye devour widows' houses, and for a pretense make speeches that you care: therefore ye shall receive the greater damnation.

-Woe unto you, hypocrites! for ye travel the sea and land to make converts from other dictators and allies of our enemies, and they are made, ye make them twofold more the child of hell than yourselves.

-Woe unto you, ye blind guides, which say, Whosoever shall swear under oath, it is nothing; but whosoever shall swear by the gold of the Trump tower, he is a better!

-Ye fools and blind: for whether is greater, the gold, or those who have slaved to make the gold?

-And, Whosoever shall swear by that all that is just, it is nothing; but whosoever sweareth by the gift moved secretly to your bank is holy.

-Woe unto you, hypocrites! for ye pay tithe to the banker, the broker, and the corporation, and have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith: these ought ye to have done.

-Ye blind guides, which strain at the truth, and swallow the lies and propaganda from the Tower.

-Woe unto you hypocrites! for ye make clean the outside of the cup by hiding on secret drivers and accusing others of the sins you commit, but within you are full of extortion and excess.

-Thou blind Republican, cleanse first that which is within the cup that those you deceive may be cleaned also.

-Woe unto you hypocrites! for ye are like perfected sculptures, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness.

-You outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity.

- Woe unto you hypocrites! because ye build the towers for the rich and attend the rallies of the liars,

 -And say, If we had been in the days of our fathers, we would probably shed their blood also. 

- Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?

- Wherefore, behold, I send unto you those who tell the truth: and some of them ye shall kill and demonize, and some of them shall ye persecute them from city to city.

- Behold, your house in 2020 is left unto you desolate.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Why the Only Issue That Matters is Impeachment

Image result for dystopia

I listened to an NPR report in which numerous people interviewed stated that they were more concerned with issues like health care, education, wages, jobs, etc. than the impeachment of Donald Trump. This made me laugh and then sigh. Why don't those who aren't concerned with impeachment get the fact that all else revolves around the crimes, misdimeanors, negligence, and destructive actions of Trump?

The current administration has been on a quest, a Sherman's march, to gut public education, environmental protection, affordable health care, national public land treasures, voting rights, LGBQT rights, the rights of the disabled, worker rights, women's rights, programs to feed those in need,  the rights of asylum seekers, programs to support small scale farming, safe drinking water water protections, our relationsip with allies, treaties that prevent nuclear proliferation, the constitutional separation of powers and the right of oversight, to name a few. Nothing positive has been enacted, unless you consider billions of dollars in tax breaks for the rich to be positive. And, his plans for a second term, if, God forbid he actually gets that far, are too scary to even contemplate.

When someone says Congress should not waste time on impeachment it syas to me, We should not waste time protecting American democracy and the health and welfare of its our citizens. Instead, we should sit idly back while Trump inplements his distopian agenda for the rich and powerful while the masses just do what they're told and get whatever the rich decide they should get.

This is why impeachment is the only issue that matters.

Monday, July 8, 2019

What Does the Bible Say About Extinct Hominins?



What Does the Bible Say About Extinct Hominins?

By Daniel Friedmann

You’ve probably heard of Lucy, a diminutive hominin that looked a little bit like us. The collection of fossilized bones constituting the Lucy specimen has been dated to about 3.2 million years ago. It presents a small skull similar to that of non-hominin apes, plus evidence of a walking gait that was bipedal and upright, akin to that of humans’. Scientists have actually found about 15 to 20 types of primates that existed in the past and looked a bit more like us than apes do. These are called hominins.

Scientists struggle to define “human.” Essentially, the view is that we have all these bones and other remains of extinct earlier creatures that resembled us physically, and we have all the apes today, and it looks like at some point in the past, there was an ancestor common to chimpanzees and humans that branched into two types of creature. After that, different looking creatures evolved, becoming closer and closer to us—spending more time standing upright, having bigger and more complex brains, and so on. Scientists place all of those creatures in the “human” lineage (meaning they were more like humans than like apes) and describe this as human evolution.

Where in the Bible are all these creatures?
The Bible contains a crystal-clear definition of “human.” Our body, it says, is very similar to the body of animals and was originally made in a similar way. What makes us uniquely human is the soul that God breathed into Adam’s nostrils. This part of God, our soul, comes with very specific human behaviors defined in the Torah, including speech.

Science does not deal with souls, but scientists who study human behavior have identified particular behaviors they believe no other species exhibits now or has exhibited in the past. These turn out to be the same behaviors that the Bible—thousands of years earlier than modern science—connected with the divine soul that makes us human.

So if we defined humans by the behaviors unique to our species, science and the Bible would agree. But science does not define humans by behavior; it looks at all the fossils we have discovered, and if they possess similarities to modern humans (as Lucy does, for example), they are in the human lineage. The Bible would disagree with the scientific definition of “human,” saying that Lucy and the 15 to 20 other somewhat human-looking creatures we know to have existed didn’t exhibit our unique human behaviors, so they did not have divine souls like we do and therefore were not human.
Now, you may ask, “If they were animals, why aren’t they mentioned in Genesis?” The Bible is a manual for life, not a biology book. The first chapter of Genesis talks about beasts and cattle and creeping beings; it doesn’t describe elephants, tigers, and the millions of other specific kinds of animals, so why should we hear about Lucy and other hominins?

In short, the Bible definition of a human is straightforward: a creature with a divine soul. All the other creatures in the past that looked a bit like us but didn’t behave like us were simply animals.

About the Author 

Daniel Friedmann is presently Chairman of the Board of Carbon Engineering. A company dedicated to removing CO2 from the air to reduce climate change. He has a master's in engineering physics and 30 years' experience in the space industry. He is also a longtime student of cosmology and religion. to learn more about Daniel Friedmann, his work and his book The Biblical Clock visit and  Amazon.

Thursday, April 25, 2019


 Image result for vaccines

There has been a lot of recent controversy surrounding the measles and other vaccines. On the surface, it's a no brainer to get vaccinated. However, there are many claims that the  ingredients in the vaccines can cause things like alheizers to autism. I decided to look up what's in vaccines and this is what I found:

Vaccine ingredients
  • Active ingredients.
  • Added ingredients: Aluminium. MF59. Thiomersal, also called Thimerosal. ...
  • Products used in vaccine manufacture: Antibiotics. Egg proteins (ovalbumin) Yeast proteins. ...
  • Growing the active ingredients: Human cell strains, animal cell strains and GMOs. Recombinant DNA technology. ...
Thiomersal (or Thimerosal) is a mercury compound used as a preservative used in some vaccines. Anti-vaccination activists promoting the incorrect claim that vaccination causes autism, have asserted that the mercury in thiomersal is the cause. There is no scientific evidence to support this claim.

Fetal bovine serum (FBS) comes from the blood drawn from a bovine fetus via a closed system of collection at the slaughterhouse. Fetal bovine serum is the most widely used serum-supplement for the in vitro cell culture of eukaryotic cells.

Common substances found in vaccines include:
  • Aluminum gels or salts of aluminum which are added as adjuvants to help the vaccine stimulate a better response. Adjuvants help promote an earlier, more potent response, and more persistent immune response to the vaccine.
  • Antibiotics which are added to some vaccines to prevent the growth of germs (bacteria) during production and storage of the vaccine. No vaccine produced in the United States contains penicillin.
  • Egg protein is found in yellow fever and most influenza vaccines, which are prepared using chicken eggs. Ordinarily, persons who are able to eat eggs or egg products safely can receive these vaccines.
  • Formaldehyde is used to inactivate bacterial products for toxoid vaccines, (these are vaccines that use an inactive bacterial toxin to produce immunity.) It is also used to kill unwanted viruses and bacteria that might contaminate the vaccine during production. Most formaldehyde is removed from the vaccine before it is packaged.
  • Monosodium glutamate (MSG) and 2-phenoxy-ethanol which are used as stabilizers in a few vaccines to help the vaccine remain unchanged when the vaccine is exposed to heat, light, acidity, or humidity.
  • Thimerosal is a mercury-containing preservative that is added to vials of vaccine that contain more than one dose to prevent contamination and growth of potentially harmful bacteria.

Vaccine Ingredients - Aluminum | Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Aluminum is used in vaccines as an adjuvant. Aluminum adjuvants are used in vaccines such as hepatitis A, hepatitis B, diphtheria-tetanus-containing vaccines, ...

Epidemiological Evidence

Five methodologically sound, controlled epidemiological studies found no association between autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and thimerosal in vaccines [5-9], as well as the relevant systematic reviews [10, 11] and a meta-analysis [12]. The Institute of Medicine (IOM), now called the National Academy of Medicine (NAM), concluded that the body of evidence favors rejection of a causal relationship between autism and thimerosal-containing vaccines [13]. See the Do Vaccines Cause Autism? summary for more details.

A few studies have reported an association between vaccines containing aluminum adjuvants and persistent nodules at the injection site, at an estimated rate of 0.03-0.83% [14-17]. Two studies examining infant exposure to aluminum from both diet and vaccines that include aluminum adjuvants concluded that the levels of aluminum in vaccines are well below the calculated safe body burden [18, 19].

A review of data on substances sometimes found in certain vaccines in very small quantities, such as thimerosal, aluminum, gelatin, human serum albumin, formaldehyde, antibiotics, egg proteins, and yeast proteins, found no evidence of harm other than rare instances of hypersensitivity reactions such as anaphylaxis in those with severe allergies to either gelatin or egg proteins [4]. See the Do Vaccines Cause Anaphylaxis? summary for more details.

ConclusionToxic metals such as aluminum do not belong in prophylactic medications administered to children, teenagers, or adults. Vaccines are normally recommended for healthy people, so safety (and efficacy) standards must be impeccable. Parents, especially, should not be compelled to permit their loved ones to receive multiple injections of toxic metals that could increase their risk of neurodevelopmental and autoimmune ailments. Safe alternatives to current disease prevention technologies are urgently needed.

Those seeking more information can obviously do more research.

My concerns are:

~Is it even necesary to include some of the dangerous elements/chemicals in a vaccine?

In the early 1950s, four vaccines were available: diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis and smallpox. Because three of these vaccines were combined into a single shot (DTP), children received five shots by the time they were 2 years old and not more than one shot at a single visit. According to Kids Health, this is the current recommended vaccination schedule:


  • HepB: Hepatitis B vaccine. Ideally, the first dose is given within 24 hours of birth, but kids not previously immunized can get it at any age. Some low birth weight infants will get it at 1 month or when they're discharged from the hospital.

1–2 months

  • HepB: Second dose should be given 1 to 2 months after the first dose.

2 months

  • DTaP: Diphtheria, tetanus, and acellular pertussis vaccine
  • Hib: Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine
  • IPV: Inactivated poliovirus vaccine
  • PCV: Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine
  • RV: Rotavirus vaccine

4 months

  • DTaP
  • Hib
  • IPV
  • PCV
  • RV

6 months

  • DTaP
  • Hib: This third dose may be needed, depending on the brand of vaccine used in previous Hib immunizations.
  • PCV
  • RV: This third dose may be needed, depending on the brand of vaccine used in previous RV immunizations.

6 months and annually

  • Influenza (Flu): The flu vaccine is recommended every year for children 6 months and older:
    • Kids younger than 9 who get the flu vaccine for the first time (or who have only had one dose before July 2018) will get it in two separate doses at least a month apart.
    • Those younger than 9 who have had at least two doses of flu vaccine previously (in the same or different seasons) will only need one dose.
    • Kids older than 9 only need one dose.
  • The vaccine is given by injection with a needle (the flu shot) or by nasal spray. The flu shot is preferred for children of all ages because it has been shown to be safe and effective. Although the nasal spray was not used in recent years, a changed version of it is now recommended (for the 2018–2019 flu season) for kids who may otherwise not get a flu shot. The nasal spray is only for healthy people ages 2 through 49. People with weakened immune systems or some health conditions (such as asthma) and pregnant women should not get the nasal spray vaccine.

6–18 months

  • HepB
  • IPV

12–15 months

12–23 months

  • HepA: Hepatitis A vaccine; given as two shots at least 6 months apart

15–18 months

  • DTaP

4–6 years

  • DTaP
  • MMR
  • IPV
  • Varicella

11–12 years

  • HPV: Human papillomavirus vaccine, given in two shots over a 6- to 12-month period. It can be given as early as age 9. For teens and young adults (ages 15–26 in girls and ages 15–21 in boys), it is given in three shots over 6 months. It's recommended for both girls and boys to prevent genital warts and some types of cancer.
  • Tdap: Tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis booster. Also recommended during each pregnancy a woman has.
  • Meningococcal conjugate vaccine: And a booster dose is recommended at age 16.

16–18 years

  • Meningococcal B vaccine (MenB): The MenB vaccine may be given to kids and teens in two or three doses, depending on the brand. Unlike the meningococcal conjugate vaccine, which is recommended, the MenB vaccine is given at the discretion of the doctor.
 ~Given the number of current recommended shots, and given the degree of toxic metals found in other products, it would seem the the cummlative effect could, indeed be very dangerous to yoyr health. Like X-Rays, one is okay but if you get one one a week you're probably in trouble.

Add to all of the this that the majority of the food you and your kids eat are Genetically Modified and also contain weed killer, this aggregation of chemicals in the body, starting with babies, cannot be healthy.

I can see why parents are concerned. it's like telling the children in Flint, Michigan that it's all right to drink the lead laden water. It's only a small dose. Being cautious with your child's health is not to be taken lightly. Perhaps if the dangerous elements were removed from the vaccines, there'd be less controversy?