Monday, October 15, 2018


"Marginalization is the process of pushing a particular group or groups of people to the edge of society by not allowing them an active voice, identity, or place in it. ... Some individuals identify with multiple marginalized groups, and may experience further marginalization as a result of their intersecting identities."

 Image result for marginalized groups

Are you marginalized? Do you feel that your vote won't  make a diference? Do you feel that politicians ignore your needs and that voting makes no difference?

Guess what, if you fail to vote you'll always be marginalized. At one time Latinos felt, and were, marginalized. Then they discovered that if they vote, and vote as a block, they not only affect policy, they actually affect who wins. Any marginalized group that began to vote as a block, even if not organized, can have a powerful voice in politics. This has been the case for many minority ethnic, social and racial groups since the 20th Century.

The solution is not to say home on election day. The solution is to vote.

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