Politics and the Law of Attraction definitely mix. When people think of the Law of Attraction (LOA) they tend to focus upon money, health, relationships, employment and generally personal issues. However, the basic tenet of the LOA is that it operates all of the time, in every situation and at every level of society. There is no time or place or issue that is not under the LOA. Gravity works on the planet for the rich and the poor, for the young and the old, for Republicans and Democrats as doe the LOA.
On a societal level, the LOA has determined the course of history. It has brought peace or war, abundance or poverty, power or weakness, freedom or slavery to the world’s nations. The LOA basically states that form or reality follows thoughts. The more powerful the thoughts, and the emotions and intentions behind those thoughts; the greater the manifestation of those thoughts. This occurs either consciously or unconsciously. Nations whose people live with an underlying fear of neighbors are frequently at war with those neighbors. A nation that is confident of its goals, hopes and future tend to thrive. People, both individually and as a society attract what they either desire or what they fear.
With respect to the American election process, it is clear that it is adversarial; one party against the other. The “Secret” indicated that all too often, people fight against something, rather than for something. In this process more energy is often put into what is not wanted than what is wanted. Frequently, this results in the undesirable being manifested. The more energy, thought and emotion that goes into fighting against a candidate results in that candidate winning; form follows the thought. This is why those who teach the LOA try to get people to understand not to fight against something, e.g. war on drugs, war on poverty, war on terrorism, fight against cancer or obesity. This very mindset creates and attracts what is not desired. My new book, POLARIZING YOUR LIFE TOWARDS PERFECTION (soon to be released by Cambridge Book), shows how this process works and how to avoid this mindset.
In the current campaign for president, both Obama and McCain have fallen into the same old process of campaigning against each other. Debates are scheduled, the rhetoric is flying and ads attack the position of the other. Furthermore, supporters of these candidates tend to be ‘against’ the opponent more so than ‘for’ their desired the politician they support. Most discussion is centered on what is disliked rather than what is liked. The result is a polarized thought form that creates tension and discord. Perhaps Obama came closest to a proper understanding of a more correct process when he said that the election is not about him, rather, it is about the people. If the election process ran on this basis, we would not have debates, but rather forums. There would be no negative ads, but rather commercials that say what the candidate believes. We lean very little when debates are merely one politician attacking the other. A better system would be to have each candidate present their ideas, their record and their programs with audiences able to seek clarification, but not debate. In this way we attract quality discussion void of negativity.
The bottom line is that Americans must decide what they are for, not what they are against. In this way the LOA will create the desired result. When the focus is on the problem, even if you are seeking solutions, you still add energy to the problem. But if the focus is on what we want for education, health care, jobs, culture, and what we see as our role in the world, we have created a positive mindset that will create positive results. If you desire to consciously use the Law of Attraction in this election, give your thoughts, attention and emotions to what kind of future you want for America. Be ‘for’ something and not ‘against’ something. It is the only way to create a process with positive outcomes.
I am a composer and I have written a number of music tracks based around positive visualization. I wrote them for myself to change my own life and get myself and my family out of the negative hole we were stuck in.
My visualizations are VERY different from the regular wind chimes and flutes they contain dance tracks and rock guitar they are all short 3 – 6 mins and to the point. Not everyone can spend time meditating each day but a busy single parent can listen to something positive in his or her car and begin to get some relief that in time will crack open that door to enlightenment. My tracks may not be the whole answer but if they get someone on the path in a way that makes sense to them.
Transformation and creation come from quality visualization which in turn comes from repetition. Just like physical exercise reps build muscle in this case reps bring change. Many of my tracks are great to exercise to with up tempo beats.
Let’s move the world to the creative paradigm.
You can hear samples on www.quantumcreators.com and purchase tracks for 99 cents.
Put QC’s on your site and earn 15% as an affiliate.
"if the focus is on what we want for education, health care, jobs, culture, and what we see as our role in the world, we have created a positive mindset that will create positive results."
Cogent advice and an excellent summary of how LOA works in the political arena. Hats off my balding head to you once again, my friend for a timely post.
BTW, you will want to join me and my guest Tom Marruso tomorrow (9/8/08) on Free Spirit. Our fellow colleague spiritualist and LOA expert came to my blog with a very insightful interview set of answers to some Q's I put ot him.
Peace, Love, Tofu and Hummus,
Marvin D Wilson
blogs at: http://inspiritandtruths.blogspot.com/
eye twitter 2 - http://twitter.com/Paize_Fiddler
Good to stumble upon some high-grade clarity in the blogosphere! Be very well indeed, my friend :-)
"The bottom line is that Americans must decide what they are for, not what they are against."
Very solid advice! Thanks.
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